Team Member - Christine Kaufman

colorado land sunset
broker Christine Kaufman

Christine Kaufman

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On a summer vacation the owners of Southwest Realty and Outdoors, Tony and Chris Kaufman, fell in love with the San Juan mountains and Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

We spent 10 days fly fishing mountain lakes and streams, hiking, mountain biking and enjoying all that downtown Pagosa Springs and the mountains had to offer.

We have come to call living here our second childhood! Christine grew up in Illinois and spent many winters listening to the radio to see if school would be cancelled so she could play outside in the snow! Now she’s playing in the snow again with our three dogs!

Come see for yourself what southwest Colorado has to offer. You may find that you catch the Colorado bug and just can’t picture living anywhere else! We have met so many people that this has happened to! Just let us know when you are going to be in town because we would love to show you around!